About Us
Cards For 4 Your Life are theme cards designed for the things you do and enjoy in your life. They are blank inside so you may convey your own sentiments.
Cards 4 Your Life is a Veteran and woman owned business, as well as a subsidiary of Excalibur Photography and digital art . Cards 4 Your life is constantly expanding with newer card series for your personal enjoyment. Check back often and explore the world of Cards For 4 Life.
About the African Art
Gifty Annan-Mensah is an internationally recognized artist and educator who was born in Ghana, West Africa. Her focus in art is using doodles, zentangles, and Mandalas to create phenomenal pieces of art.
Her works tend to run in abstract and semi-abstract designs she uses to bring African stories into colorful perspective by featuring the African woman in dance, in faces, in culture, totems, symbols, and African designs suitable for textile prints, greeting cards, and home decorations.
Gifty is also a finalist of the International Art Festival of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints of 2019. Currently, her works are on display at the Church Museum in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is also an award winner of Exponent II magazine and she likes mounting solo exhibitions in her County Libraries
You may see more of her work on Instagram at rabeena_designs. You can order other products and art works of Gifty's at www.rabeenadesigns.etsy.com